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Dry Days in Mumbai 2013 List

EFT Report, Mumbai: Following dates/days shall be observed as “Dry Days” in Mumbai/Maharashtra during the period commencing from Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2013.

List of dry days in Mumbai for 2013

1. Republic Day 26.01.2013

2. Martyer's Day 30.01.2013

3. Maharashtra Day 01.05.2013

4. Ashadi Ekadasi 19.07.2013

5. Independence Day 15.08.2013

6. Anant Chaturdashi 18.09.2013

7. Prohibition Week 02.10. 2013

8. Prohibition Week 08.10.2013

9. Kartiki Ekadashi 13.11.2013


The day or days on which poll in relation to any general election or by-election to the house of people or the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, or any local authority in the state is taken in the constituency in which such premises are located and two days immediately before such day of poll, the day after poll, the day before the counting day, or days on the counting day or days, and the day immediately after counting.


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