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Global Indirect Tax Share Forum in New York on March 6

Is your company among the 93 percent of corporations in some phase of changing their business model?*
Do you need to know how current trends in indirect tax may impact your business, what some of the options are to better manage tax complexity, and how others are addressing it?
If so, our global indirect tax forum is designed to help you identify solutions specific to your business.
Please join professionals from KPMG LLP (KPMG), Thomson Reuters, and your peers in other companies to:
·     Explore new ways to improve transaction tax processes
·     Keep pace with regulatory change
·     Derive greater return from your SAP, Oracle, and other ERP investments.
·     Explore features of the newest Thomson Reuters SAP connector release “Global Next.”


Thursday, March 6, 2014


345 Park Avenue, 37th Floor
New York, NY 10154


12:00 p.m.–12:30 p.m.  Registration and Lunch
12:30 p.m.–2:00 p.m.  Welcome and Introductions
Sales and Use Tax, VAT Trends, and Leading Practices
·     How can globalization and regulatory trends impact your business, in the U.S. and abroad?
·     What are the typical challenges in automating indirect tax?
·     How can you make the business case?
Industry Presentation on Tax Automation Initiatives from:
·     Presented by Dennis Culin, Director, Strategic Projects at Lenovo
·     Presented by Mark Franz, Tax Director at Integra
2:00 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
Implementation Lifecycle and Recent Technology Developments
·     How can you employ technology to address continuous regulatory change?
2:45 p.m.–3:00 p.m.  Refreshment Break
3:00 p.m.–5:35 p.m.  Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Leading solutions to common challenges, with discussion, open Q&A, and software demonstrations
Session A:
Global Next for SAP
Session B:
Oracle, PeopleSoft and JDEdwards Integrations:
·     Overcoming tax code limitations in SAP
·     Automating SUT and VAT business processes
·     Overcoming limitations in Max Tax determination
·     SAP Plants Abroad coexistence with a global tax engine
·     Deploying a global indirect tax solution free of jurisdiction codes
·     How EBTax works with a 3rd party vs. native
·     Taking advantage of latest developments of Oracle12 EBTax
·     Optimizing configuration and setup with a global tax engine
·     Inventory movements
·     SUT and VAT reporting
·     Real-time and batch processes to address custom integrations
6:00 p.m.  Cocktails and Dinner at nearby location

Who should attend?
Tax, Accounting, Finance, and Business leaders and Tax, IT, and Technology managers who want to learn about current indirect tax trends impacting their business, options to better manage tax complexity, and how others are addressing it. You will come away with relevant and timely content whether you are:
·     Considering tax automation for the first time
·     In the midst of a multi-country rollout; or
·     Revisiting ERP tax workflows that have been technology constrained in the past.
This seminar is worth approximately five CPE credits. No preparation or prerequisites are needed to attend this seminar.


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