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Prevent Osteoporosis, Diabetes & Heart Diseases Through Macrobiotics

Prevent Osteoporosis, Diabetes & Heart Diseases Through Macrobiotics
Prevent Osteoporosis, Diabetes & Heart Diseases Through Macrobiotics
Report by Santanu Ganguly, New Delhi: Macrobiotics is a compound word adapted from Greek which means large (macro) and life (bios). As a dynamic philosophy of living, it defines itself as being a comprehensive way of life, offering invigorating principles that guide and educate with practical tools to strengthen body, mind and spirit. Recognizing that we are composed of many bodies: physical, intellectual, emotional, creative and spiritual, macrobiotics offers varied nourishment to sustain our collective growth. The ultimate goal of Macrobiotics is to create freedom from fear, from sickness and from living lives of indifference.

In This Workshop We Will Cover the Following:

1. "Inner organ" inflammation and depletion and immune function depletion
2. Acid and alkaline principles
3. Different body types and different solutions
4. Facial Health Evaluation
5. Increasing cell rejuvenation and regeneration ability, and
6. Much more...

Macrobiotics is often perceived as a "diet" but it is much beyond so. It isn't just about food or nutrition. In fact, in the last 8 yrs of study and work experience, I barely know about calorie counts or vitamins in foods" says Tarika. Yet Macrobiotics is known to be most effective in achieving health goals. Macrobiotics applies the principles of achieving balance with the understanding of the resonance and vibration of foods - the difference in foods, quite unknown in modern times. How they affect our energy mind, the left and right brain connection and energy channels called nadis and meridians.

Millions of people world-wide are benefiting from macrobiotic principles in body, mind and spirit. I invite you to consider the possibility of renewed health, a positive disposition and fuller lives.


9.30 am - 11.30 am: Introduction to Macrobiotics
11.30 am - 1.30 pm: Cooking Demo
1.30 pm - 2.30 pm: Lunch
2.30 pm - 4.30 pm: Preventing Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Heart Disease

Tarika Ahuja, has 8 yrs of study and work experience in Natural Wellness Medicine and Macrobiotics and has studied at the Natural Epicurean Academy, The Kushi Institute and Advanced Counseling & Cultural Medicine Programs with Verne Varona. She has worked with Yoga practitioners, Ayurvedic doctors as well as Wellness Spas in the U.S.A, Europe and India to better understand and apply Traditional Medicine information in the most practical way for modern lifestyles. She is also a Theta healing practitioner and is certified with Vianna Stibal from the Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge.

Currently, she was until recently working with several schools and children's centres in Bangalore and individual families or community groups to improve foundational health for children from an early age as well as conducting freelance workshops in different cities across the world. Her workshops though based on the principles of Taoism, Macrobiotics and Ayurveda have a touch of all different modalities and teachers she has studied and worked with.

She is also writing two wellness books for Harper Collins Pvt Ltd. (India).

11th August: Sun (9:30 am till 4:30 pm)

Energy Exchange: Rs 3000

Venue: D-333, Defence Colony, New Delhi

To Reserve or know more call: Mohit: 9910185042, Mayeraa: 8447897660



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