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Seminar on ‘Judicial Reforms: Backbone of a Real Democracy’

Report by Santanu Ganguly: In a genuine democracy of the people, by the people, for the people, government laws, rules and regulations ought to be implemented fairly. And, when there is miscarriage of justice, the legal system ought to restore the balance of equity in an affordable manner and within a reasonable time.

Unfortunately, for most ordinary people, approaching the judiciary is not a real option. While some pathbreaking judgments hold out a lot of hope, justice is usually delayed as well as denied, to the deserving. There is not only a huge backlog of cases but there are spiraling costs and increasing corruption.

Seminar on ‘Judicial Reforms: Backbone of a Real Democracy’
Seminar on ‘Judicial Reforms: Backbone of a Real Democracy’
What is the extent of the problem and what should be done? Listen to Bhagvanji Raiyani, Founder of the Forum for Fast Justice and a relentless crusader for judicial reform on how we can help push for change to reform the judiciary, which is a key pillar of democracy. Mr Raiyani has filed over a hundred public interest litigations (PILs). Learn how to use the PIL route and join the effort for better laws and an effective judiciary.

Bhagvanji Raiyani is also the Founder & President of Kala Gurjari, Forum for Fairness in Education and Janhit Manch and founder of Society for Fast Justice. He is also the Past President of the Juhu Junior Chamber and Past National Vice-President of the Indian Junior Chamber and Saurashtra Patel Samaj. Mr Raiyani is founder editor of Dhanya Saurashtra Dharani, a quarterly magazine and the author of several books. He founded a high school in his village Supedi, which was rated among the best in Gujarat.


April 20, 2013


Session Time: 3 pm to 5 pm

Venue: Moneylife Foundation Knowledge Centre, 305, 3rd Floor, Hind Service Industries Premises, Shivaji Park, Dadar (W), Mumbai-400 028.

Landmark: Chaithyabhoomi lane


Prior registration is a must

Contact: Seraphina/Shilpa at 022-49205000 or email at

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