Report by Lena Chand, Berhampur: YWCA Berhampur hosted three-day National Level workshop on Community Development and Advocacy for women recently at Carey Retreat Centre Gopalpur on Sea. The theme of the workshop was “Young women Rise and Respond to Create a Just World”. The objectives of the seminar are- Capacity Building and Community Development ,Gender Violence, strengthening Local YWCA, Discussion on Current Status –Socio-economic-political-cultural Issues of the Eastern Region(Odisha), Role of Media to promote Empowerment of women in Eastern Region, Networking and Alliance Building etc.
The workshop witnessed participation by delegates from Ranchi, Rourkela, Balasore, Cuttack and Berhampur, which included about six Association of Eastern Region of YWCA and other prominent figures.
At the opening of the program Ms. Lena Chand—President YWCA Berhampur, greeted all the participants and the core attraction of the workshop, Ms.Leila Passah-National General Secretary-YWCA India , Ms. Rosalynn Lalawmpuii , National Secretary for Advocacy & Development New Delhi and the chief guest of the program, Ms. J.R Patro Secy- UCCI & Cuttack Diocese .
The workshop started with a feature introduction of YWCA Global, National and Locals by Ms. Leila Passah. She described YWCA India established in India since 1896 in a journey towards Development of women and girls through programs that are responsive to the changing needs of a changing community. She also spoke YWCA is the oldest and largest volunteer Organization in the World. It is a membership of women and girls of different ages, and racial, economic, religious, cultural, occupational backgrounds comprising now about 25 million members worldwide. It is a forum of Empowerment, development, growth, sharing of ideas and information of issue based partnerships. It stands for Advocacy and community development in Health, Literacy, Training, and Empowerment. Ms Passah Explained Eastern Region of India as the God’s own place having developed and unique art & culture, she also appreciated Berhampur YWCA for the present Youngest President in the history of YWCA India.
Ms. Rosalynn Lalawmpuii taught on capacity building and community development , Chief Guest Ms. J.R Patro said that , “eastern india has a high trafficking of women and children , and many burning issues around us, and she added , “why should we rise and respond to create a just world” The program followed by a group Quiz competition by Ms. Passah . Information, history, classic pictures of Works and documents of YWCA shown through power point presentation and documentary film by Ms. Rosalynn.
After a tea break Ms.Lena Chand , President YWCA-Berhampur who has represented YWCA-India recently on a Combined Fact Finding Team on Gender Violence to Kandhamal , talk about the facts hidden behind the brutal violence happened with the minor girls and women of dalit and tribal community of Kandhamal in form of rape, murder, sexual harassment, women trafficking, domestic violence etc. She narrated some heart touching real incidences on gang rape of minor girls with pictures and recordings done in the investigation. After the fact finding on gender violence at Kandhamal, to probe the situation, YWCA networking with other organizations is working for the victims in providing compensation, rehabilitation, counselling and also it has raised voice for the advocacy and bringing right & justice for the victims.
The next session after lunch break was taken by Ms.Passah and Ms. Rosalynn on the topic “Why young women should there in YWCA?” As young girls/women can challenge the system of patriarchy and gender violence, they can work actively on justice, right and gender equality .they also talk –how to strengthen the local YWCA. The entire program was followed by a breathtaking cultural program by the young girls of Berhampur Y in the evening of the first day.
The second day started with the devotion by Rourkela YWCA. Recap of the first day presented by Ms. Sucheta Mohanty, Secretary YWCA-Berhampur in an innovative way. Media plays a vital role in empowering women today, trained by Ms. Ronalisa Porida, Journalist-The Pioneer and Lecturer –JMC- SMIT, Berhampur in form of power point presentation. she focused on how the 3 media-print, electronic as well as web media is playing an important role in presenting the various issues on women and helping empowering them in various field, encouraging them in the path of success ,art, knowledge, culture and different creative characters of women .
After ice break Bidhuprava Rath, C.D.P.O, Berhampur-2, spoke on the current status of socio-economic-political-cultural issues of women in Odisha, As she works in the field of women & child development in Government sector, she explained many sensitivity and pitiful stories of women violence happening in the society and she mentioned that” women is not a machine for production of children nor a sexual object for a husband”. She has also some rights to live with equal justice; she added different burning examples of domestic violence, dowry death cases, and women trafficking specially in Ganjam district. CDPO appreciated Berhampur YWCA for working actively in local and tribal area in the development of women and child.
A field visit was organized by Ms. Lena Chand in the afternoon to the slum area of Berhampur city, where all the delegates met a number of women and child of Alcoholic Tribal and Back ward Community. The objectives of Field Visit was:
1. To find out the root cause of alcohol addiction.
2. To study the types of violence women and children faced n the family because of alcoholic family members.
3. To find out how YWCA can support women and children for the prevention, intervention and care support to the affected community.
And it was also an individual case study/reporting work by each participant on the issue of alcoholic community which ended with an awareness program, interaction with the concern women and child in the gathering.
The third day’s session started with the devotion of Balasore & Ranchi YWCA at the Chapel in early morning with a priceless message of Ms. Usha Biswas, Vice-President Eastern Region, Balasore on the valuable word of God in addition to the “duties & responsibility of a woman in society”
Debriefing of the 2nd day’s report presented by Balasore YWCA. “From the case study in field visit it was concluded that the alcoholic community is with the issues of- Lack of education, lack of awareness, lack of health facility, lack of proper livelihood, lack of occupation, having more girl child, dropout children, economic crisis, child labor, Alcohol shops in the midst of streets and alcohol addicted men in each family, domestic violence due to alcoholism etc.” briefed by Ms. Leila Passah. Explaining on the different issues of community she said that “we should look out word, not always in ward, we should think of the outer world of our society, the neglected women and child.” Ms. Passah taught on Community development- circle- Vision and Mission of a project of YWCA and also had a discussion on Networking & Alliance Building with other government and non-government organization.
Finally Ms. Rosalynn trained on commitments of YWCA, and at the last session all the participants were awarded with the Certificate of Participation. The Three day’s workshop ended with a huge thanks given by Ms. Sucheta Mohanty. General Secretary Ms. Passah declared that the National Convention of YWCA will be hosted by Kerala YWCA in February 2014 and the theme will be “Y- Rise and Respond to create a just World” in bringing togetherness of 186 local association of YWCA India.
National Workshop on Development and Advocacy |
The workshop witnessed participation by delegates from Ranchi, Rourkela, Balasore, Cuttack and Berhampur, which included about six Association of Eastern Region of YWCA and other prominent figures.
At the opening of the program Ms. Lena Chand—President YWCA Berhampur, greeted all the participants and the core attraction of the workshop, Ms.Leila Passah-National General Secretary-YWCA India , Ms. Rosalynn Lalawmpuii , National Secretary for Advocacy & Development New Delhi and the chief guest of the program, Ms. J.R Patro Secy- UCCI & Cuttack Diocese .
National Workshop on Community Development and Advocacy |
Ms. Rosalynn Lalawmpuii taught on capacity building and community development , Chief Guest Ms. J.R Patro said that , “eastern india has a high trafficking of women and children , and many burning issues around us, and she added , “why should we rise and respond to create a just world” The program followed by a group Quiz competition by Ms. Passah . Information, history, classic pictures of Works and documents of YWCA shown through power point presentation and documentary film by Ms. Rosalynn.
After a tea break Ms.Lena Chand , President YWCA-Berhampur who has represented YWCA-India recently on a Combined Fact Finding Team on Gender Violence to Kandhamal , talk about the facts hidden behind the brutal violence happened with the minor girls and women of dalit and tribal community of Kandhamal in form of rape, murder, sexual harassment, women trafficking, domestic violence etc. She narrated some heart touching real incidences on gang rape of minor girls with pictures and recordings done in the investigation. After the fact finding on gender violence at Kandhamal, to probe the situation, YWCA networking with other organizations is working for the victims in providing compensation, rehabilitation, counselling and also it has raised voice for the advocacy and bringing right & justice for the victims.
The next session after lunch break was taken by Ms.Passah and Ms. Rosalynn on the topic “Why young women should there in YWCA?” As young girls/women can challenge the system of patriarchy and gender violence, they can work actively on justice, right and gender equality .they also talk –how to strengthen the local YWCA. The entire program was followed by a breathtaking cultural program by the young girls of Berhampur Y in the evening of the first day.
The second day started with the devotion by Rourkela YWCA. Recap of the first day presented by Ms. Sucheta Mohanty, Secretary YWCA-Berhampur in an innovative way. Media plays a vital role in empowering women today, trained by Ms. Ronalisa Porida, Journalist-The Pioneer and Lecturer –JMC- SMIT, Berhampur in form of power point presentation. she focused on how the 3 media-print, electronic as well as web media is playing an important role in presenting the various issues on women and helping empowering them in various field, encouraging them in the path of success ,art, knowledge, culture and different creative characters of women .
After ice break Bidhuprava Rath, C.D.P.O, Berhampur-2, spoke on the current status of socio-economic-political-cultural issues of women in Odisha, As she works in the field of women & child development in Government sector, she explained many sensitivity and pitiful stories of women violence happening in the society and she mentioned that” women is not a machine for production of children nor a sexual object for a husband”. She has also some rights to live with equal justice; she added different burning examples of domestic violence, dowry death cases, and women trafficking specially in Ganjam district. CDPO appreciated Berhampur YWCA for working actively in local and tribal area in the development of women and child.
A field visit was organized by Ms. Lena Chand in the afternoon to the slum area of Berhampur city, where all the delegates met a number of women and child of Alcoholic Tribal and Back ward Community. The objectives of Field Visit was:
1. To find out the root cause of alcohol addiction.
2. To study the types of violence women and children faced n the family because of alcoholic family members.
3. To find out how YWCA can support women and children for the prevention, intervention and care support to the affected community.
And it was also an individual case study/reporting work by each participant on the issue of alcoholic community which ended with an awareness program, interaction with the concern women and child in the gathering.
The third day’s session started with the devotion of Balasore & Ranchi YWCA at the Chapel in early morning with a priceless message of Ms. Usha Biswas, Vice-President Eastern Region, Balasore on the valuable word of God in addition to the “duties & responsibility of a woman in society”
Debriefing of the 2nd day’s report presented by Balasore YWCA. “From the case study in field visit it was concluded that the alcoholic community is with the issues of- Lack of education, lack of awareness, lack of health facility, lack of proper livelihood, lack of occupation, having more girl child, dropout children, economic crisis, child labor, Alcohol shops in the midst of streets and alcohol addicted men in each family, domestic violence due to alcoholism etc.” briefed by Ms. Leila Passah. Explaining on the different issues of community she said that “we should look out word, not always in ward, we should think of the outer world of our society, the neglected women and child.” Ms. Passah taught on Community development- circle- Vision and Mission of a project of YWCA and also had a discussion on Networking & Alliance Building with other government and non-government organization.
Finally Ms. Rosalynn trained on commitments of YWCA, and at the last session all the participants were awarded with the Certificate of Participation. The Three day’s workshop ended with a huge thanks given by Ms. Sucheta Mohanty. General Secretary Ms. Passah declared that the National Convention of YWCA will be hosted by Kerala YWCA in February 2014 and the theme will be “Y- Rise and Respond to create a just World” in bringing togetherness of 186 local association of YWCA India.
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