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Nav Kiran Jan Kalyan Sanstha Celebrates Holi With Tihar Jail Inmates

Report by Santanu Ganguly, New Delhi: Nav Kiran Jan Kalyan Sanstha organized a Holi Function with Tihar Jail inmates at Tihar Jail recently. The Holi function seen the active participation & performances from about 2000 inmates of jail No.1 with the sweets and snacks made at the jail premises itself by Navkiran in the spirit of festival of joy & colors.

Nav Kiran Jan Kalyan Sanstha Celebrates Holi With Tihar Jail Inmates
Holi Celebrations at Tihar Jail 
Tihar jail has about 10000 inmates with appx 73% (i.e. 7300) being under- trials who spent anywhere from 3 months to several years in prison while their cases are tried. The conviction rates of our courts is roughly 20% which means that out of 7300 under trials about 5000 would not be convicted & get released after spending several months to years in lock up with daily company of hardened criminals.

“Let your wounds be the seeds for your wisdom” is the motto behind Navkiran’s initiative at Tihar jail. We are working with the inmates to provide them legal support, constructive utilization of their time while in prison, skill development & assistance in rehab once released.

On acquittal they face a bleak job prospect outside with an additional social stigma to boot. These thousands of men are so prone to either leading a depressing non productive life or truly get on the crime wagon. “Nav-Nirman” a seed of hope is our initiative to not let these lives get destroyed but provide them with hope, counseling, vocational training & job options, says Sonam Singh (Secretary, Nav Kiran Jan Kalyan Sanstha).


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