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‘Ajnabi’ Hindustani Play at LTG Auditorium on April 7

EFT Report, New Delhi: The stranger (Ajnabi) is a very short novel. Divided into two parts. It’s based on Existentialism, Nihilism, Absurdism, Determinism, Naturalism and Stoicism. The Stranger is Arun, the narrator and protagonist of the novel. He suffers alienation from himself and the world. The story begins with the death of Arun’s mother. Since he is an average man who earns barely enough for himself, Arun sent his mother away to a home for the aged in Marengo, an action that brought him criticism. Then when he attends the funeral of his mother, he finds that he does not feel much grief neither is he concerned about observing the social formalities of mourning. The day after his mother’s funeral, Arun becomes involved in an affair with his girlfriend, who was once a typist in his office. They swim together, have lunch, watch a comic film, and make love. The society is horrified at his refusal to observe a period of mourning for his mother. He is called "uncouth", "insensitive" and a "social monster". Part I also reveals Arun’s involvement with Godbole, his neighbor who works as a pimp. Godbole has beaten has a girlfriend for cheating on him, but he wants to punish her further. He persuades Arun to write a scathing letter to her on Godbole’s behalf. The result of the letter is another confrontation between the girl and Godbole in which he beats her brutally. Arun agrees to testify in Godbole’s behalf, saying that he was provoked by the girl into the confrontation. Arun also agrees to travel with Godbole towards the beach. At the beach, they encounter two Arabs, one of whom is the brother of the beaten girlfriend. Arun fight Arabs, and Raymond is stabbed in the arms and mouth. Arun is drawn into the conflict and winds up killing the Arab brother. It is the second key event. Both the death of his mother and the murder of the Arab have a direct bearing on the events of Part II.

‘Ajnabi’ Hindustani Play at LTG Auditorium on April 7
‘Ajnabi’ Play 
Arun is arrested and imprisoned for the murder. He is not worried about his case, for he feels the jury will understand how the shooting was not intentional. He does not hire his own attorney, but accepts the court appointed one. When the attorney tries to get Arun to slant the truth about his reactions to his mother’s death, he refuses, for Arun values honesty and is true to himself. He also fails to see the relationship between his case and his feelings for his mother. Arun also refuses to see the chaplain, who eventually barges in to Arun’s cell. When Arun refuses to confess his guilt and beg forgiveness, the chaplain reacts with disbelief. When he tries to pray for Arun, he screams at the chaplain. In a similar manner, he refuses to react to the crucifix that the magistrate shows him and reveals that he does not believe in God. The magistrate believes that he has never met a more taciturn, self-centered, naïve, honest, and blunt criminal. He also thinks that Arun is so hard-hearted that he must be an "antichrist" . The jury has the same reaction to Arun. They do not comprehend any of his explanations and feel that his lack of emotion and remorse is inhuman. As a result, they judge him to be guilty of murder and sentence him to death by the guillotine. Arun can hardly believe the verdict, for he has never thought of himself as a criminal. In the end, however, he approaches his death like he has approached his life - with indifference. He thinks perhaps that after death his existence may be less absurd. He may be more closely aligned with the universe.

Date & Time: April 7, 2013; 7 pm

Venue: LTG Auditorium, Mandi House, Copernicus Marg, Cannaught Place, New Delhi

Tickets: Rs 100–300

Language: Hindustani

Writer: Albert Camus

Length: 1 hr

Cast & Crew: Arun, Malik, Narayan, Haidar Ali, Padri, Radhika, Kaidi, Mahendar, Jadge, Godbole

Genre: Education


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