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Kolkata: Tagore's Play Manbhanjan at Bijon Theatre on Dec. 11

Bijon Theatre Shohan will stage its newest production Man Bhanjan, a Bengali drama, based on Rabindranath Tagore's short story.

Manbhanjan will take place at Bijon Theatre, Beadon Street, Kolkata on Dec. 11, 2011 from 6.30 pm onwards. The play is directed and enacted by Anish Ghosh.

Rabindranath Tagore's Manbhanjan is a courageous piece of work that speaks a language every woman secretly knows. It is more of a musical not only in terms of the proportion of music and dance to dialogues, but also because the story’s internal rhythm is tapped and exploited to the hilt in its staging. This play reveals the natural aspirations of a lady in a male dominated nineteenth century Bengali society.


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