EFT Bureau, Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) is set to hold five alumni reunion at the IIMA campus during December 2013 and January 2014. The scheduled events include the 10 year reunion of Class of 2003 batch; the 20 year reunion of Class of 1993 batch; the Silver Jubilee reunion of the Class of 1989; the 30 year reunion of Class of 1983 batch and the 40 year reunion of Class of 1973 batch. About 300 alumni are expected to be
present along with their families, during the five reunions.
Prof. Arvind Sahay, Dean, Alumni & External Relations, eager to welcome the batches conveyed, "Alumni are the key pillar of the reputation of our Institute. Alumni re-unions are occasions for our alumni and IIMA to explore ways and means of increasing the scale and
scope of the engagement between each other.
The reunions would provide an opportunity to obtain feedback from the alumni about the ongoing curriculum review of its flagship PGP program and would also enable sharing details of happening and activities at the Institute, including achievements of the faculty and students.
Some interesting details like, in a first, a serving full time Professor at any IIM or IIT, Abraham Koshy, Professor of Marketing was appointed as the non-executive Chairman of Federal Bank, a scheduled commercial bank. Another happening, 101 PGP students went on exchange around the world - the first time that the number of students going out from IIMA on exchange to other schools exceeded 100. Besides the re-unions are also a time for the families of the alumni
to get acquainted with the Institute."
Prof Sahay hoped that going forward, more alumni would come back to the institute.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
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