Report by Santanu Ganguly: A Chai charcha and change interaction with the social entrepreneurs will be conducted followed by a Talk on the Role of Youth Participation in Civil Society by Amitabh Behar, Executive Director, National Foundation of India.
These 25 social entrepreneurs are also available for one on one interaction from 10am onwards at Vishva Yuvak Kendra.
Change Looms Learning and Leadership Journey (CL-LLJ) is a year long fellowship in collaboration with Pravah to support young social entrepreneurs who wish to create and nurture 5th Spaces within their organizations and movements.
CL-LLJ supports, encourages and recognises young people who have started, and are running independent social initiatives. It provides skill and capacity building, mentoring support, financial support and networking opportunities. Every year, 25 social entrepreneurs learn together through a Chai, Charcha and Change process that involve workshops, learning experiences, one on one mentoring and peer connections.
The focus of the program is on learning and development, specifically in the following areas: a) Systems thinking and organizational development, b) Team building, c) Perspectives on youth development, d) Instructional design and facilitation and e) Deep self-awareness. Program also ensures sustainability of this journey by inspiring these young leaders to set up and facilitate more 5th spaces with the youth participants of their initiatives.
Since 2005, CYC and Pravah have engaged with over 100 start ups and are currently working with 24 youth -led initiatives from across India. While CYC navigators guide the journey, it is sought to be co-led by a crew of 5-8 members selected from within and by the group itself. Leadership challenges thrown up by this experience serve as a major learning opportunity.
On Friday, June 14, 2013, 6:30pm – 8:30pm, At Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Circular Road, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
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