EFT Report, New York: ‘Spidey boy’ Andrew Garfield (29), who is currently shooting the sequel to last year’s
‘Amazing Spider-Man’ in New York, is on-board for two more outings as the
‘web-swinger’ Sony Studio has confirmed. The first sequel
‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’, set for a May 2014 release, will see Garfield’s Spidey pits against two villains, The Rhino (Paul Giamatti) and Electro (Jamie Foxx).
Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man |
The 2012’s
‘Amazing Spider-Man’ made over $262 million worldwide making it the 7th-highest-grossing 2012 film. Two more sequels have already been planned,
‘The Amazing Spider-Man 3’ (2016) and
‘The Amazing Spider-Man 4’ (2018).
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