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Copyright Conference 2013 at Habitat World on April 24

Report by Santanu Ganguly: Anand and Anand is delighted to announce a Copyright Conference – ‘The Creative Tree Project’ in celebration of the World Copyright Day and World IP Day.

As a tree with deep roots is bound to grow high and bear more fruit, the 'Tree of Creativity' is where growth and rewards are as important as awareness and the want to protect. We propose to discuss the various 'branches' of copyright law, take a 'leaf' out of one another's books and 'clear the air' on the burning issues.

It will be our great pleasure if you would join us for the Conference at the following venue:

Copyright Conference 2013 at Habitat World on April 24
Copyright Conference 2013 at IHC
Venue: Gulmohar Hall, Habitat World at India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
(Entry from Gate No.3 on Vardhman Marg)

Date: April 24, 2013

Time: 9:45 AM – 4:45 PM (followed by High Tea)

Networking and Registration: 9:45 am – 10:15 am

Introductory Session/Key Note Speech: 10:15 am – 10:45 am


Session Name: M.A.D.C.L.A.S. – Creating and Nurturing

[Musical works. Artistic works. Dramatic works. Literary works. And Sound Recordings.]

Introduction: The original creators of copyrighted works have certain basic rights.

A lively discussion which will address the identity of a ‘work’, the rights ensured therein, the identity of the rights in the ‘bundle of rights’ that comprise copyright. As we recognize the rights that are ‘created’ in each work, we understand the importance of nurturing each creation.

The discussion will move to perspectives on how a creator of an original work gives a different face to his work by incorporating it with other works and yet maintains the distinct identity for each work having a distinct copyright. Certain uses of different works are considered ‘fair use’ viz. when it is no longer a copyright violation for copying of works.

We will discuss all this and more with the 2012 amendments to the Copyright Act, 1957 and the ever-changing copyright landscape.

Timing: 10:45am -12:15pm

Moderator: Mr. Pravin Anand


  • Mr. Achille Forler
  • Mr. Bobby Bedi
  • Mr. Jatin Das
  • Mr. Sanjay Tandon
  • Mr. Sephi Bergerson


Session Name: OUT OF THE SANDBOX - Monetization of IP


IP stands undervalued in the world today. It has a quantifiable monetary value which must be liquidated. IP Monetization is the process of realizing the monetary value of an IP Asset. The process of IP Monetization can be deployed efficiently by following simple scientific steps:

(a) Compilation of Assets: Patents, unpatented technology, trademarks others;
(b) IP Assessment: Assess your IP into Active patents/ trademarks, value, remaining life, risk, litigation trend/ histories, strategic value, market trend, etc
(c) Segmentation: Identify optimal opportunities and related cost/ benefit: License, Sale/ Spin off, joint venture/alliance, donate, status quo, abandon

The process of compilation and assessment of IP assets requires a thorough due diligence: A well protected IP portfolio provides credibility in the market place and provides opportunities for commercialization. Segmentation of IP monetization can include various models such as Licensing and Franchising.

Licensing can release value from a brand by extending it to a new market. It can provide a company with a steady stream of income through defined periodic royalty payments and also generates goodwill and improves brand reputation.

Timing: 12:15pm -1:15pm

Moderator: Mr. Safir Anand


  • Mr. Simran Mirchandani
  • Mr. Rakesh Nigam
  • Mr. Anupam Mishra
  • Mr. Bibek Debroy

Wrap-around Events: 1:15 pm – 1:30 pm

Lunch: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Wrap-around Events: 2:30 pm – 2:45 pm


Session Name: CASTING A NET – Who gets caught and who escapes?


With the rapid growth of the internet and technology, the corresponding problems of online piracy have also grown manifold. The benefit of obtaining data and information at the click of a button has proven to be a boon for the pirates of the digital age. As a result, copyright law is faced with a new and diverse set of challenges in this new digital environment on a daily basis. While the pirates run amok circumventing law and technology at will, the owners and middlemen suffer. Who can be held responsible? What strategies can we adopt to fight this menace? While the recent amendments to the copyright law have strived to provide a few answers, much still remains to be tried and tested.

Timing: 2:45pm -3:45pm

Moderator: Mr. Bharath Subramanian


  • Mr. Uday Singh
  • Mr. Jatin Ahluwalia
  • Mr. Anil Nayar
  • Ms. Amrita Chowdhury


Session Name: C-C-C-C ©: Copyright Enforcement: Civil, Criminal and Customs


As infringers get smarter adopting new and more formidable methods, new challenges emerge for Right Holders everywhere. In this day and age where infringement is often clandestine and discreet, how do Right Holders enforce their Intellectual Property Rights? This and more as various stakeholders put forth their perspectives.

Timing: 3:45pm-4:45pm

Moderator: Mr. Saif Khan


  • Mr. Sandeep Kumar
  • Mr. Vipin Aggrawal
  • Mr. Hitesh Barot

Vote of Thanks followed by High Tea: 4:45 pm–5:00 pm

The session details as stated above are subject to change.


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