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‘Post Its’ Play at Shri Ram Centre From April 10–11

EFT Report, New Delhi: Turntable Productions (New Delhi) is back with its new production in form of Post-Its. Post-Its is a collection of three different theatrical pieces from different genres which have been moulded into one play.

‘Post Its’ Play at Shri Ram Centre From April 10–11
‘Post Its’ Play 
Rangaswami (Written and Directed by Arnav Nanduri): Urvashi Kataria, a young actress in Delhi has gained celebrity status with the imminent premiere of her silver screen debut as the telegu action hero, Richa Rangaswamai. The play opens with the end of her birthday celebration, a small party in her apartment, where she meets a stranger who poses an unusual challenge to her.

The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World (Directed by Shibani Puri): A drowned man washes ashore and his stature and beauty transforms the world of the small isolated barren village. A movement from narrow closed and barren to a wide, open and rich world.

Buffering (Directed by Sukhesh Arora): Buffering is what happens before what happens afterinput a yellow square and what do you get? Miss Timbuktu, your new neighbor friend, gets ready to go to something that`s already happened Buffering are musings in the here and now about the then and after.

Date & Time: April 10–11, 2013; 7 pm

Venue: Shri Ram Centre, 4, Safdar Hashmi Marg, New Delhi-110001

Tickets: Rs 250–500

Language: English/Hindi

Directors: Arnav Nanduri, Shibani Puri, Sukhesh Arora

Length: 1 hr 30 mins

Cast & Crew: Amba Suhasini Jhala, Keshav Moodliar, Pranay Manchanda, Shena Gamat, Padamshree, Dhruv Khurana, Gautam Arora, Himani Pant, Mohit Mukherjee, Shruti Sharma, Tushar Dhaundiyal and others

Genre: Comedy, Thriller


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