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Build Your Own Robots at Mechanics/Robotics Workshop

EFT Report, New Delhi: Build your own robots and see the fun side of technology!!! Learn mechanical design, construction, programming and teamwork skills using Robotic kits, motors & sensors, students build different robots and program them with a computer to move, react and solve challenges

Build Your Own Robots at Mechanics/Robotics Workshop
Mechanics/Robotics Workshop
This workshop will expose students to engineering and scientific principles, classification of components and their specific uses.

This workshop enhances teamwork, logical thinking, problem solving, creativity, communication and self-confidence.

Age: 8 to 12 years

Duration: 16 weeks

Phone: 9654348322, 9810310278

Date & Time: Upto April 30, 2013; 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Venue: Silicon World-Robo Club, B-14, Chirag Enclave, Lower Ground Floor, New Nehru Place, New Delhi


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