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Apollo Munich Health Insurance Launches `Optima Senior’

Apollo Munich Health Insurance launched ‘Optima Senior’ for citizens above 61 years of age on Monday, Aug. 13, 2012.

Optima Senior provides lifelong health insurance coverage with a guarantee of no loading on change of health status.

It also offers hassle-free, uncomplicated coverage for those Indian citizens who are in their golden years and seek the best-in-class solution for their medical needs.

A person over 61 years can choose from three sum insured levels that is Rs 2 lakh, Rs 3 lakh or even Rs 5 lakh.

As in all its products, Apollo Munich Health Insurance does not have any claim based loading or underwriting in its Optima Senior product.

Policy holders can also enjoy a 5 percent non-cumulative discount on the renewal premium payable under the policy after every claim free year, provided that the policy is renewed with the company without a break.

Optima Senior also provides coverage for an E-opinion, wherein a policyholder can obtain a second opinion, from Apollo Munich’s medical panel for listed ‘Critical Illness’ suffered during the policy year.

1 comment:

  1. Apollo munic has some excellent health insurance plans. I recently purchased one of their plans online!
