Mahindra&Mahindra (M&M) has launched the CNG variant of the Maxximo pickup truck at Rs 3.99 lakh. The 25.6 HP, 0.85-tonne payload mini-truck competes with models such as the Tata Ace and the Piaggio Ape Mini.
It is aimed at providing a better value proposition to transporters and small businessmen for last-mile deliveries over diesel-powered light commercial vehicles. With car-like design for increased comfort, the CNG Maxximo promises lower cost of operations with a 19 km/liter fuel efficiency, the company said.
Mr Vivek Nayer, Senior Vice-President for Marketing, Automotive Sector, M&M said, “Delhi NCR has benefitted greatly from a policy-thrust that leverages the potential of inexpensive and clean fuels such as CNG. Also, businesses that operate on the hub-and-spoke model consider vehicles such as the Maxximo CNG ideal for last mile transportation of goods.”
The first product to roll out of Mahindra’s Chakan facility, the Maxximo was first unveiled at the Delhi Auto Expo in 2010. The Maxximo is also available as a mini-van for the stage-carriage segment.
Sunday, July 01, 2012
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