Bharti Airtel will launch its 4G services in Kotkata this month, Chief Executive Sanjay Kapoor said. 4G is a successor to the 3G and 2G families, and is expected to be five times quicker than 3G services.
The firm bagged Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) spectrum in four circles — Kolkata, Maharastra, Punjab and Karnataka — for Rs 3,314.36 crore in 2010.
Another firm, Reliance Infotel, earlier known as Infotel Broadband Services, which won a pan-India license for BWA spectrum, is yet to announce its roll-out plans for 4G services.
Other firms which have won spectrum in the auction include Qualcomm, Tikona, Aircel and Augere.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
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